Kamali Jade


What a beautiful angel she is! Kamali boasts oversized crocheted flower shaped wings, made of sustainable hemp. This tiny charmer of 6cm has white feather dress and jade beads in her pendant and halo. She looks so peaceful, embraced by her beautiful wings.

Kamila means  ‘protector’


In the arid Karoo landscape stands a tree. Legend tells it has been there for hundreds of years. It is called Die Wonderboom – the miracle tree – because it has 3 stems that are miraculously intertwined. But Die Wonderboom is not alone. Next to it there is another tree, standing close, as if to protect the miracle tree. Very few of us become spectacular and famous. But all of us have been given the opportunity to care and protect someone or something. The Wonder range is made to honor all those who care and protect, like the tree next to Die WonderboomThe round shape of the wings of our Wonder charms is also a nod to the everyday miracles. Shaped like a flower it reminds us of hope that never dies, of good things that continue to happen, despite everything. Just like the old trees that continue to grow in the arid Karoo. The Wonder charms also introduce new materials in our angels: Raffia and hemp. These materials are chosen deliberately for this range, emphasizing our wish to honor all the good things that grow.

Here is a bit more info on the Miracle tree, from Baviaans Tourism website: (https://www.baviaans.co.za/listing/die-wonderboom)Wonderboom is a remarkable sight where two trees, namely the Ghwarrie tree (Eudea undulate) and a Shepherd’s Tree (Boscia oleolides, also called a Karoo witgat) grow side by side. 

What makes this “wonder tree” unique is the fact that the Shepherd’s Tree has three stems coming up out of the ground. Two of the stems have joined together, forming an “eye of the needle” and a third stem has grown through the eye forming the “thread” creating a “needle and thread” effect.